Book title

Best Friends are the Best

Available on 28 January, 2024

My book, Best Friends are the Best, developed on the basis of my own recollection of what happened to my family and friends during and after the Second World War. Over 40 years, I wrote episodes one by one and sent them to friends and family. They responded eagerly and asked for more. Some who had hardly read any fiction in their lives responded very positively.

My American niece Devlin, when she was nine, showed one episode to her teacher, who read it to her class. The teacher was moved to tears.

More recently, the daughter of a friend designed a stage setting for drama class based on Marie’s father and his bassoon concerts in Baden-Baden.

My long years of experience in translating children’s books from English to German have made me eager to try my own hand.

I would like to make my story more available to the general public, and to provide pleasure and knowledge based on the everyday life of children on the German side of the Second World War.

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